What's new

Print-outs & customer groups

Cut out admin with set-and-forget processes.

Powerful print-outs for production & packing

Save time fulfilling orders using a suite of printable (or downloadable) sheets for production, picking and packing.

Production sheets

Combine multiple orders to see product totals, so you know how much you need to make. Extend this by creating source categories (bread dough is a great example) and assigning products; now production sheets will include not only product totals, but also the required amount per source category (or dough).

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Pick (and Pick-all) sheets

We've improved the old order print outs and called them Pick sheets. They're now better organised with a cleaner design, plus a handy checkbox and space for notes. For a condensed view with multiple pick sheets in one bite-sized document, try the Pick-all sheet.

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Packing slips

A simplified document that's customer-friendly, and it even has your logo on it. This is a no fuss, professional looking packing slip.

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Organise your customers

Sort your customers into groups to streamline your order fulfilment and product management workflow.

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Filter orders

Use customer groups to filter incoming orders –useful if you want to print out all of the pick sheets for a specific delivery run, for example.

Show products to specific customers

Control which customers can order which products. Use customer groups to speed up the process when managing product visibility.

Questions and feedback

If you've got questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you.
Get in touch at hello@hospoconnect.co.nz